If you are a total mess, you will need this-
TALL Blonde has used Amazon Assistant for many years. It used to be known as Amazon Universal Wish List because that is what it is...UNIVERSAL. Why set up a "Favorites" list on all the websites you typically follow, only to forget all about the item you were contemplating purchasing, or worse missing out on a sale price offering. Once you install this extension which is compatible with every internet engine on the planet you click on your taskbar icon and done, you have just added the item on your screen to your wish list from any website. You may set up multiple lists to keep track of birthday gift shopping ideas, holiday shopping wish lists, back to school needs for each student, even Brides and Baby Registry have gotten into the game. Lists are public for sharing or kept private. Price changes will also be indicated so you don't miss out.
Uncomplicate your life starting now!
Get AMAZON ASSISTANT (click here)